Nikon D3s: Best of the Best Digital SLR

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First time I saw Nikon D3s, you would hardly find any significant difference with the previous generation, D3. Indeed, there was no significant difference and this is pretty good considering the composition of the layout of the D3 is very comfortable and easy that does not necessarily need a change. No longer need adjustment if you've been using D3.
Nikon D3s
In detail there is innovation. The "AF-On" located on the upper right corner on the back of the body now looks more flat and comfortable so it is more comfortable to push. The "AF-On" which is located on the vertical grip is also more convenient than ever. To pamper the user requests Nikon, Nikon puts the "Lv" does not coincide with the function buttons on the left top and it is presented in the current Nikon D3s. Button "Lv" contained in Nikon D3s made a separate and located at the bottom right near the small screen.
Nikon D3s
Nikon D3s video recording capability has HD quality (1.280x720 pixel) at 24 frames per second (fps). There is the addition of the "info" on the bottom left. With the "info", the user can display all parameters of the main LCD screen. By simply pressing this button once again then these parameters can be directly modified if necessary.

As the development of the D3, Nikon has a CMOS sensor which D3s really new. Nikon D3s able to continue the legend of ability in low light conditions on the D3 to a level that is much better. At ISO 12.800, Nikon D3s is able to display a clean image without any noise which means that the images can still be used. Even when forced to, there is a choice of ISO 25.600 to 102.400 with the consequences of noise has begun to seem to dominate. Nikon D3s there were no complaints which is not significant. With an ISO range and features with the top quality is worth if it becomes digital SLR Nikon D3s Best of the Best.

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