Digital SLR Glossary

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Many digital SLR term that can lead us to choose the correct camera as needed.

Blades in a camera that adjust the amount of incoming light. The wider the lens aperture (small number), the higher its ability to continue the light to the sensor.
Advanced Photo System type C, the designation for a digital sensor size of a frame of celluloid (film) APS format. If the lens is mounted on 135 format digital SLR with APS-C sensor, the angle of view will be seen from 1.5 to 1.7 x more narrow.
Digital Sensor
The term for a digital sensor the size of the frame of celluloid (film) APS format. If the lens is mounted on 135 format digital SLR with APS-H sensor, the angle of view will be seen 1.3 x more narrow. This format is often referred to as full frame format.

Special shutter speed at which the shutter will continue to open during the shutter button is pressed. Typically, this feature only found on digital SLRs and allows photographers to expose the image to many minutes long.

CCD (Charged Coupled Device)
This type of digital sensor that functions convert light into digital signals. CCD technology has evolved long enough to have undergone many innovations.

CMOS (Complimentary Metal-Oxide Semiconducto)
The type of digital sensor befungsi convert light into digital signals. CMOS more power efficient and cheaper production. However, technology is not as advanced CCD technology.

Continuous Drive
Shooting mode where the camera takes a series of pictures during the shutter button is pressed. Average speed is 3 fps, while the latest digital SLR is that reached 11 fps.

DOF (Depth of Field)
The depth of field focus. DOF will provide areas of focus wide from close range to long range.

Four Thirds
The term for a digital sensor the size of 4 / 3 inch. If the lens is mounted on 135 format digital SLR with a sensor 4 / 3 inch it would look 2x point of view is narrower. However, proponents claim that a third four-four third is full frame format digital.

GN (Guide Number)
Figures showing the strength of the flash, the bigger, stronger.

HDMI stands for High Difinition Multimedia Interface. HDMI is useful for connecting the camera to the television High Difinition up to 1920x1080 pixel image size. HDMI can stream video and audio signals.
HDR (High Dynamic Range)

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