Fujifilm Finepix S2950 Bridge Camera from Fujifilm

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Fujifilm FinePix S2950 is a bridge camera that has a body that is designed like a DSLR camera, although it is actually a camera with fixed lens. With a 14 megapixel image sensor, and using Fujinon lens with 18x optical zoom, the S2950 is expected to compete with other cameras in its class.
Fujifilm Finepix S2950
S2950 lens offers a focal length is actually from 5.0 to 90.0 mm, which is equivalent to 35 mm focal length, ranging from wide angle 28 mm to 504 mm telephoto is very strong. The maximum aperture varies from f/3.1 at wide angle and f/5.6 at telephoto. Features a video by 720 pixels high definition, with a speed of 30 fps. 3.0-inch LCD screen with 230,000 dot resolution equal to 320x240 pixel array, with each pixel consists of separate red, green and blue dots.

The picture quality of Fujifilm FinePix S2950 is quite satisfactory and quite sharp. With the increase in picture quality, then this camera may be a camera with an interesting innovation for the wait. We'll see the development of Fujifilm's S series.
As well as automatic exposure, S2950 provides full manual control over shutter speed and aperture, and both aperture and shutter priority modes. Fujifilm S2950 has the advantage with the ability to detect faces, to find and track up to ten faces in a scene. This camera releases by price range $ 230.

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