Canon's Releases New PowerShot A Series Compact

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Entering the year 2011 is Canon's latest compact cameras released to compete in the entry-level class, by presenting three PowerShot A series cameras that are A1200, A2200 and A3300 IS.
Canon A3300
Canon PowerShot A1200 with features 12.1 Megapixel, equipped with a wide lens equivalent to 28-112 mm 4x optical zoom and 2.7 inch LCD. With a resolution of 230,000 dots and has a 720p HD video recording capability, A1200 is also equipped with Smart Auto mode with 32 shooting modes. A1200 design is very simple to still maintain a small viewfinder. A1200 is also equipped with blur-reduction features, live view control, discreet fashion and creative filters like toy camera's, monochrome, super vivid, fish eye, the effect of posters and miniature effects. A1200 is available in black and silver color options.
Canon A1200
Canon PowerShot A2200 with 14.1 megapixels and features a wide angle lens equivalent to 28-112 mm 4x optical zoom, 2.7 inch LCD. Features of the A2200 is similar to the A1200, such as Auto Smart with 32 shooting modes, motion blur reduction, live view control, discreet mode, 720p HD for video recording features and creative filters like toy camera's, monochrome, super vivid, fish eye, the effect of posters and miniature effects. A2200 is available in 4 colors, namely black, blue, silver and red.
Canon A2200
Canon PowerShot A3300 IS is the best among the three compact cameras that Canon released recently. With features 16 megapixels, plus a 28-140 mm equivalent lens with 5x optical zoom and optical image stabilizer features, making this camera is able to overcome the effects of camera shake blur now. This feature is still the same video with two cameras that have been reviewed previously, namely 720p HD, as well as 3.0-inch LCD screen, Auto Smart with 32 shooting modes. A3300 IS is available in five colors, ie, gray, red, blue, silver and pink. With a price range of $ 200.

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